Career Education Services and Team

The Career Education Division provides a variety of services for student and campus wide instructional faculty through our division and through the Career Center on campus. These services include career exploration, faculty curriculum and program support, CliftonStrengths and MBTI assessments, industry liaison, career preparation and skills guidance for all students and faculty at Cuyamaca. Select a tab below to learn more about our services.


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Career Center

Career Education  is a collaborative partner with  Student Services in providing the Career Center, which is a partnership of Student Services and Instruction. We are located in the career Center to provide Job Placement, Work-Based Learning and Career Exploration services.

Career Workshops

Career Workshops are available through the Career Center or individually from our Work-Based Learning Coordinator and Job Placement Case Manager.  You can view online career workshops at this link.

For information regarding a classroom or other presentation, please contact:


Career Education offers assessments for students to help them focus on where their strengths and interests lie.





assessment helps you discover what you naturally do best and learn how to develop your greatest talents.



Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


assessment helps you to identify how your personality shapes your decisions and your real world among other categories.

More assessments are available and outlined on the


Career Center



For more information about these assessments and how you can benefit, contact: 

Job Placement

The Job Placement Case Manager,  supports students in securing jobs with sustainable wages linked to their fields of study. They offer support and job-readiness training to Cuyamaca College students and alumni through individual career coaching, workshops on campus, classroom presentations, and employment events. They also offer support in the job and career search, networking skills, resume and cover letter reviews, interviewing techniques, and developing 21st Century Skills.

The Job Placement Case Manager helps businesses stay competitive by hiring the most prepared and engaged employees. This affects key business outcomes such as high productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction. With engaged employees, employers see lower turnover rates, less safety incidents, and lower absenteeism in the workplace.
For more information contact

You can also visit the Job Placement Case Manager web site at:

Job Placement Web Page

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning provides students with the opportunity to connect what they are learning in the classroom to real world experiences. WBL encourages students to learn about work with career awareness and exploration, learn through work with practicum and internships, and learn for work with training and experiences directly related to a specific career field.

The Work-Based Learning program supports faculty to enrich their curriculum and deepen classroom learning by embedding real world educational experiences and applicable 21st Century Skills to prepare students for today’s career opportunities.

Faculty and students wishing to learn more about Work-Based Learning activities should contact Cuyamaca Work-Based Learning Coordinator Taylor Lember at

You can also visit the Work-Based Learning web page at


Our Career Education Team:



Charlene Alsbaugh

Charlene is the Career Education Program Manager supporting Strong Workforce Programming. 

Taylor Lemker


Taylor is the Work-Based Learning Coordinator and works with students and faculty to develop Cuyamaca WBL.

Vanessa Murrell
Vanessa Murrell

Vanessa provides grant administration management  and coordinates activities for the Center for Water Studies.

Vicki VanStone
Vicki VanStone

Vicki is the Divisional Administrative Assistant to the Dean



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